
Will this ever work?


Jack Steiner said...

Blogger still will not let me post text. Going to try rebooting. Not real enthusiastic but what the hell.

Stacey said...

I can't post text either.

Stacey said...

I can't post text either.

Stacey said...

I can't post text either.

Stacey said...

But I CAN post comments. ;)

Jack Steiner said...

Ok, Blogger is still not working but I am someone who finds a way to adapt and overcome so here it is.

It has been exceptionally busy today. If my life were compared to a movie I'd be in some swashbuckler in which I had the responsibility of holding the fort.

I'd be armed with nothing more than a shield and sword and stationed in front of a small tunnel. My job would be to hold off the orcs, to prevent the Huns from running wild, to stop the barbarians from overwhelming the castle.

But have no fear because I am The Dread Pirate Roberts and I have survived many stickier situations than this. ;)

Jack Steiner said...

Hmm. It looks like we might be back in business.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .