Playing in the Mud

If I am anything, it is a gadfly, muckraker, shit-stirrer extraordinaire. In other words, I am a bit of a troublemaker, it comes with the big mouth, attitude and size 12 boots.

Actually I think that the size 12 boots have been both an impediment and an instrument of incitement. I'd be happy to explain that for anyone who is too slow to catch on.

There is a bit of a pissing contest going on right now regarding the JIB awards. A comment was made and offense appears to have been taken, but is unclear to me if it was really intended. I am inclined to think that it was probably not, but thanks to far too much exposure to red kryptonite my clairvoyance is on the fritz.

If you are really bored and want an excuse to grab a board, a torch and try and burn down the castle you can run over to this post at DovBear and enter the fray.

You can then follow it up with a tussle over at Protein Wisdom and see how Gefilte Jeff and company have decided to unleash the hordes of hell on the Jibbies (not to be confused with gilblets) and Dovie.

And just so it is clear, I am only typing with my left hand because my right hand is far too powerful for any of you to handle, or maybe it is busy doing other things. Yes, Shlomo, there is frequent salacious commentary and adult innunendo on this blog.

In any case, it has made me consider my own way to win. Next year I have promised to buy Rav Moishe Pippick's middle school a new Beis Midrash if the good Rav can ask his pupils to vote for me.

P.S. To my very favorite reader, I wrote about you earlier. You can find it at You are Not Funny Nor Wise.

Someone get me some Alka Seltzer, all the testosterone makes my head hurt.

1 comment:

B2 said...

Wow, will Shlomo blow a gasket over this one. That's some heavy innuendo there, all right.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .