I am The Grinch and proud of it

In a few minutes I am going to have to go to the mall. I have some work to do there, things to get that I cannot get elsewhere and I have to take advantage of the local cobbler. And even though it is going to be a nightmare I am going to go because it is the most sensible thing to do.

I like quality and will pay more for quality work and this guy is worth it.

But I am going to have to deal with the irritation of holiday shoppers, music and nonsense. One of the advantages to being a broader fellow is that in crowded places I can move people. I try to be polite, but sometimes I act like my sign (I am a Taurus) and gently bull my way through the crowd.

For my Jewish readers as a point of interest, last year during Chanukah this mall had a dancing Judah Maccabee. The dancing Hasmonean fit my personal image of Judah because he was dressed in costume and I even had the pleasure of telling some of his companions that I had already lay tefillin that day.

I wonder if Judah and company will be there this year.

Truth be told I am not real fond of any of the holiday stuff, even if it is my own because it still feels too commercial to me.

There is a petting zoo not too far away from here, I may have to see if I can borrow the goat as a silly man once said, a goat can be a useful tool in a crowd.

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Still Good

 I need to revisit this .