New York

Some people are under the misguided impression that the sun rises and sets in New York. It is a nice city, but it is not nearly as important as many people think that it is.

It is a place that has had so much hype that some people have come to believe everything and no longer understand the hyperbole surrounding it. There are so are many rich elements that make you appreciate the city and then there are all sorts of little things.

It is like looking at Trump's hair. You cannot help but wonder how such an important detail is missed over and over again. It may not be critical, but it is part of the package and it does make you wonder.

There are many other cities in the US that have all of the culture and business that you find in New York and then some.

Not to mention that aside from the finest team money can buy New York hasn't had a sports team worth mentioning in years.

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Still Good

 I need to revisit this .