Impotence: A Red Flag for Heart Disease

"SUNDAY, Sept. 26 (HealthDayNews) -- For men, flagging potency can be a red flag that something's not right in the cardiovascular system. And experts say men who rush to fix the problem with impotence drugs may be ignoring a bigger threat to their health."

Have a heart and stand up for yourself. If your spirit is flagging and you can't get up the nerve to go find out what is bothering your ticker you are asking for a premature exit from this world.


Unknown said...

Perhaps they got it backwards. The cardiovascular system fails from lack of bed time exercise.

Unknown said...

What would Darwin say about this?

Jack Steiner said...

More bedtime exericise for everyone. Men around the world can rejoice. Tell your wife that your life depends on it.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .