Yahoo! News - Jury: Stealing a Kiss Isn't a Crime

"'She said she didn't have a steady boyfriend,' Moyer testified. 'I asked her if she wanted a boyfriend for 15 minutes.' "

And thus she inadvertently missed out on the best 15 minutes of her life. How sad.


Anonymous said...

Jack, If it would have been you the girl would have missed out on the best 30 seconds of her life.

Jack Steiner said...

You must be speaking from personal experience. One of the millions served.

Anonymous said...

What an ego you have. You are something special.

Jack Steiner said...
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Jack Steiner said...

Wow, the fan club is out in force tonight. There is nothing like anonymity to get the real view from a person.

If you would like, I would be happy to speak with you. Call my assistant Jenny at 867-5309.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .