My abba

April 28, 2004 will be a day that we will not forget, but it was really only the beginning.

It has been a long and twisting road waiting for my abba's health to improve. There have been a number of rough spots during which we questioned whether he would come home standing or otherwise.

As of today's tests we learned that his heart attack appears not to have been major and the damage hit a less important section of the heart. It was the endocardium of a lower section, or so it was passed on to me.

The graphic is nice, but it is not detailed enough to show the interior section that was hit. Back in my days as a CPR instructor I used to lecture about the heart, but that is not all that relevant for this discussion, just a nugget about me for the viewing public.

So now we have determined the need for an angiogram. It is not a question, just a question of when. The hard part is trying to determine whether it is better to continue things in New Jersey or to try and do this here in L.A. Once they go in there are a number of possibilities, but we do not expect anything serious.

My abba is not interested in going back in, and who can blame him. He spent about 60 days living in a hospital, but he has no choice. If I need to pick him up and throw him in the car he will go.

In the meantime the babycountdown continues. This plays it's own role as there is a real incentive for the grandparents to get back to LA for the birth of the 5th grandchild. But I will not stand for rushing my dad's healthcare just for this. My child needs a grandfather who will be here for the long run, if they miss the birth, they miss it. I don't care as long as my abba's health is not adversely impacted by this.


Anonymous said...

Great that the heart attack seems mild and the damage minimal. Hope he comes home soon. Loved the graphic of the heart. :)

Anonymous said...

Great that the heart attack seems mild and the damage minimal. Hope he comes home soon. Loved the graphic of the heart. :)

Still Here

 I am still here even if I publish at a snail's pace. I am still here even if these posts aren't quite as random as they once were. ...