Dear Celtic Fan

Dear celtic fan,

Some of you have been trying to give me a little heat because I refuse to say that you have the better team. Get used to it, I am not going to change my tune. Yes, you are up 3-2. You have won one more game than we have. But that doesn't make you the better team.

You are still the underdog here. Still the team that has made fewer mistakes and that translates into victory. The NBA has what, 30 teams that are in the league. Virtually all of them make the playoffs. In fact, if your team didn't make the playoffs it is probably because they died in a plane crash or are lying comatose somewhere.

Not nice, but true. Everyone makes the playoffs. Your homer Bill Simmons, the Sports Guy had all sorts of things to say about you.

I thought the Celtics played their fans this season. Don't rope us in with "ubuntu" for two years then turn your back on it like it was a kabbalah fad or something. Don't tell us to embrace "The New Big Three," then shop Ray Allen for eight months like he was a used car. Don't tell us our best forward's knee is fine when we see him limping. Don't blame the effort of your players after a loss when you played all 12 of them like they were Little Leaguers, or when you keep playing the one guy who exhibits no effort whatsoever without calling him out once. Don't sign a second center for big bucks, then act surprised when the incumbent center bristles about his playing time. So on and so on. It was an empty season filled with excuses, half-truths and false promises. Just because they won two years ago doesn't mean fans had to blindly condone it.

Or what about this gym dandy one:
"Sheed's Celtics are 25-24 since Christmas. The 2008 world champs killed themselves every night. A depleted 2008-09 Celtics team exhibited remarkable pride and heart. Now they're bored and sluggish? Now they're searching for ways to get fired up? Now they're blowing home games left and right? Now they're on pace to break the unofficial record for "most players-only meetings and clear-the-air dinners" by a contender in one season? A team led by three future Hall of Famers who ALWAYS tried in the past? It doesn't add up.

Sheed may not have infected the Celtics as Character X did, but he did compromise the one thing that made them special: intensity. They care only when it suits them. The seven words that defined Sheed's career. Both the team and Sheed think they have an on/off switch that can be flicked at any time. Not true. They are in denial. "Lost" has the Smoke Monster; the Celtics have the Smoke and Mirrors Monster. And it's the entire team." (emphasis mine)

So you'll understand that I don't give you much credit for losing your way into the play-offs. I don't respect your play because it was half-assed. And it grates on my nerves to see the Lakers give away games that they could have easily won. Lackadaisical play and they are down to a team they could have swept.

I suppose that I'll continue to take some lumps for this one. If the Lakers choke it away I'll be abused. But I am ok with that because what choice do I have. I don't have to like it, but I may have to accept it.

Still, the series isn't over yet and if the boys show just a little bit of fire you will be toast. Enjoy the moment celtic fan because the other thing that I know is that you are old and unless Ainge pulls off a miracle you won't be competitive for a while.

For now we'll keep fighting against your inferior team. Time will tell.


Aaron Gouveia said...

This, my friend, is stupid. Seriously stupid. And it makes you sound like a little whiner. Which, I guess, you are.

The Celtics did not play well down the stretch in the regular season. But they didn't sneak into the playoffs. They were the 4-seed. And so what if they didn't play well in the regular season. Cleveland played spectacularly in the regular season and then the Celtics sent them home packing. Same with Orlando, and soon to be the Lakers.

Which would you rather have: a team that goes undefeated in the regular season and then gets bounced in the playoffs, or a team that mails it in for part of the regular season and then turns it on in the playoffs and wins the championship team?

I'll take the title.

The Lakers showed their fire. Kobe was transcendent last night. AND IT WASN'T NEARLY ENOUGH. Because the Celtics are a complete team while the Lakers are Kobe & four other guys. A veteran team that knows how to win when it counts.

If the Lakers end up beating the Celtics, it will be because they are better. And I will grudgingly admit that. Yet you are being a whiny poor sport and saying even if the Celtics best the Lakers they are somehow still the inferior team? Well if the Celtics are so inferior, shouldn't the Lakers be able to dispatch them handily? Your "logic" makes absolutely no sense, and I'm enjoying your misery as the Celtics -- the better team to this point -- kick your sorry asses all over the court.

Enjoy game 6 as we celebrate in your stadium as all the bandwagon LA fans go back to the beach.

The JackB said...

This, my friend, is stupid. Seriously stupid.

That is typically how most celtic fans begin their conversations. Substance is not your strong suit. About 50% of the post comes from your boy Simmons. Take it up with him.

it makes you sound like a little whiner. Which, I guess, you are.

Now, now. All you did for the first several games is whine/cry about the officiating. now that you think you are secure you don't complain about it. Funny how that happens.

The Celtics did not play well down the stretch in the regular season. But they didn't sneak into the playoffs. They were the 4-seed.

They had a lousy season which is why your fellow homer Simmons complained and wrote those two columns.

And so what if they didn't play well in the regular season.
I think that is more interesting and impressive to see a team do well all season and the play offs. Otherwise what is the point of the play offs.

or a team that mails it in for part of the regular season and then turns it on in the playoffs and wins the championship team?

I'll take the title.

So you are saying that you don't care if a team works hard as long as they win. So they can play in an inferior conference, beat inferior teams and then make it to the championship. Ok, if that works for you.

Because the Celtics are a complete team

No. The celtics are an inferior team that made fewer mistakes and have showed limited flashes of superior play. If they were a better team it would be easy. But they have barely made it over the hump- Lakers have been in every game. Could have easily swept them.

Yet you are being a whiny poor sport and saying even if the Celtics best the Lakers they are somehow still the inferior team? Well if the Celtics are so inferior, shouldn't the Lakers be able to dispatch them handily?

My friend I am typing slowly. The Lakers could dispatch them handily if they maintained their intensity. They haven't. Skill doesn't always translate into victory. I give the celtics credit for playing hard, but I am not going to say that they are better when they clearly aren't.

Series still isn't over. Let's see what happens.

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