Festival of Fathers- A Blog Experience #15

2010 is the year of the daddy blogger and as such it is time again for the Festival of Fathers- A Blog Experience. Here we are in week 15 of our ongoing journey throughout the daddy blogosphere. Just finished watching the Lakers lose to the hated celtics.

And I admit that it grates upon my nerves to watch an inferior team beat the boys. Doc Rivers talks about how they had to lose their way into the playoffs and then hope for the best. My kids think that it is unfair, but as I tell them life isn't always fair. Sometimes the bad guys win. But the series isn't done yet.

Sex and The Single Dad: The German Chick
Daddy Files:Catholic Church: Gay Parents No Good 
Random Thoughts: Exchanging Pleasantries
Almighty Dad: Abby Sunderland’s Parents: Irresponsible or Enlightened?
Bruce Sallan: Just A Guy Who Likes Separate Vacations!
Dad Today:She was AMAZING!
SAHD in Lansing: Dad Blog Review: Almighty Dad
KneeDeep In Kids: Stroller Hooks FTW 
Outnumbered: The Father's Day Boutique Can Blow Me...
Dadwagon: A Week on the Wagon: Dry Tortugas! 
RebelDad: Moms, Dads, Harmony, Baloney and Babble
SAHDPDX: A magic time of sports means harder time as a parent
Smonk You: 97 years in the making
The Daddy Doctrines: Dad in the Delivery Room
Unfinished Dad: Summer Camp!
Rude Cactus: Old Man Cactus
Backpacking Dad: Erin and Adrian Go to Big Basin
Busy Dad: Let's take it back to the old school
Candad: He's off
Cleverfather: Children vs Blog: Juggling Family Life and Blogging
Luke, I am Your Father:Warning: This Post is Just for Men
Dad-O-Matic: What do you want for Father’s Day, Dad?
Parenting Where No Room is Safe: When daughters dress their sisters
Nuke Dad: Who’s Your Daddy?
Carrying a Cat By The Tail: Calvin's Four Minutes of Religious Fame
Raleigh Daddy 3.0: Ask nicely

If you like what you see here then please consider becoming a fan of the blog. Have additional questions/comments? Send me an email at talktojacknow-at-gmail-dot-com.

Prior Editions:

Festival Of The Fathers- A Blog Experience
Festival of The Fathers- A Blog Experience Part 2
Festival Of The Fathers- A Blog Experience Part III
Festival Of The Fathers- A Blog Experience Part 4
Festival Of The Fathers- A Blog Experience Part 5
Festival of Fathers- A Blog Experience #6
Festival of Fathers- A Blog Experience #7
Festival of Fathers- A Blog Experience #8
Festival of Fathers- A Blog Experience #9
Festival of Fathers- A Blog Experience #10
Festival of Fathers- A Blog Experience #11
Festival of Fathers- A Blog Experience #12
Festival of Fathers- A Blog Experience #13
Festival of Fathers- A Blog Experience #14

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