Each week I receive a short newsletter that is chock full of information that I try to use to improve my blog. Some of it is practical and easily translated into actionable results and some of it is trivia that is no interest to anyone but me.
One aspect that I like is that they have a list of partners that offer services for bloggers. Thus far I have found that list to be very useful. So when I came across a suggestion to try another service called Apture I figured why not.
In the interest of full disclosure neither Lijit nor Apture have had the good sense to pay me one trillion dollars for mentioning them in this post. In fact I haven't even been offered a gift certificate for a Happy Meal at McDonalds. Maybe it is because I am not a mommy blogger. ;)
In all seriousness I really am interested in finding ways to improve the blogging experience for all involved here. Since I am undergoing a bit of blogging fatigue I figured that now is a good time to worry less about the writing and more about platform and experience. Change the focus and release some of the stress, I say.
Bear with me as I play around with this place. There might be a bit of noise and dust from the construction but I promise to try and minimize it. In the interim hang on, I have to learn how to use all of this stuff and as a man's man, I refuse to ask for help or read directions.
Hey Jack,
You should check out our blog for some great tips on how to get the most from Apture. You actually couldve attached a wikipedia article and twitter search to embeded video you posted.
Community Manager at Apture
Hey. I am a mommy blogger. And I get blog fatigue as well. Wheres my happy meal??? :)
Good luck getting things figured out! When ya do... be sure to tell me everything!
God bless-
I'll take a look.
The Happy Meal is in the mail. It probably tastes just as good as it would if you had bought it on the spot. ;)
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