Blogger Fatigue

I thought that I'd follow up on the post below and talk, er write a bit about a few things. I am suffering from a bit of blogger fatigue. I wouldn't define this as being a terminal illness, but it is more serious than a cold.

If you ask for a more specific explanation I'd tell you that I am feeling a bit raggedy and rundown. Been fighting too many wars on too many fronts and it is catching up to me. That is not to say that this is the sort of thing that is going to kill this blog or me for that matter. It is not.

A short while ago I began writing again. It sounds kind of funny to say that. It is not like I haven't spent a significant amount of time writing for this blog. But this is different. This time I am not writing as Jack, but under my real name.

I know it comes as a shock, but my real last name is not Benimble or Shack.

These writing assignments are taking a bit more out of me than I had expected. I am trying to raise the quality of those a bit and like always I am unhappy with it. The words aren't flowing as easily or as freely as I would like. But that is ok, they will.

There are a few other things going on simultaneously that are helping to suck a bit of the life out of me. I expect that it is going to be up and down for a while. But ask the Shmata Queen about whether I give up easily and she'll confirm that I don't just let go of important things and people.

The real point is that if you hang around for a bit you'll see some positive changes around here/
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Anonymous said...

Bob Dylan is definitely one of my favourite singer-songwriters. I also like the Eric Clapton rendition of this Dylan song. Don't get too discouraged with your blogging, we're all knockin on heaven's door one way or another. Last resort, you could always move over to Thanks for visiting my blog.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, I got the url wrong in the above comment. It's:

Jack Steiner said...

I actually have a wordpress blog, two of them.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .