A Queen And Her Mama

The other day I noticed the Shmata Queen and her mom were both reading my stuff at the same time and I had three thoughts:

1) Should I refer to her mom as the Empress and is that technically correct?
2) Would calling her the Empress or "your majesty" make it more palatable to say I once bent your daughter over the couch because she asked me to.
3) Do I follow up on number two by saying I refuse to do it again or would never stop?

There are other questions like would the Shmata Queen want to enjoy a tasty delight or should I start by saying the damn woman needs a hug and so do I.

Am I the only idiot hearing the damn bells and am I crazy?

Well the answer to the last part is yes, I am crazy but am I that kind of crazy?

Maybe, don't care.

And that is all I have to say about this for the moment. Probably will say much more elsewhere but the real Jack patriots know that.

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Still Good

 I need to revisit this .