Lack Of Sense

Got five minutes to write down a few thoughts. Kids are making me crazy tonight, I love them but sometimes they just know how to press our buttons.

Been reading and listening to the thoughts about the NFL and it is making me a bit crazy too. Not defending the actions of people who break the law but not going to go hysterical about it either.


Because I like asking what causes the issues we see and what can we do about it. When I see data that suggests that the rates for certain actions are lower in the NFL than the general public I want to know why we don't focus on both areas.

The players who cross those lines need to be held accountable but stop with the ridiculous double standards and comments about role models as being the reason why we need to focus more strongly upon them.

If the numbers are accurate we have a real problem with the general public which is a much larger group than the few who can play. How do we change that. What can we do to improve, fix and facilitate things there.

Why aren't we spending more time focusing on helping more people.

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Still Good

 I need to revisit this .