Going After What I Want

This isn't a real post. It is a short break from the work that I do to pay the bills. This is just me clearing my head so I can finish something else.

And that leads me to somewhere else, a thought about finishing something else. It is what I am doing now. I am finishing something else that will lead to the next place.

Transition. I am in transition and I am excited and nervous, but in a good way. The train has left the station and the engine is chugging down the line, there is no turning back and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Read this once or read it twice- the end result is the same thing. I am going after what I want.


Anonymous said...

You go, Jack. Each step will be a step forward, and will be amazing . . .

Jack Steiner said...

That is the plan. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .