What I Use For Email Marketing

For a long time I was hesitant to get involved with any sort of email marketing program. It didn't seem to be in sync with what I wanted to do and I didn't want my readers to feel like I was constantly selling to them.

Over time I started to reconsider my approach and decided that it didn't have to be an all or nothing proposition which is why you may have noticed more ads and or posts about affiliate programs.

Some of you have written me here or left comments at TheJackB asking me to provide more information about what tools and resources I like to use. In an upcoming post I will be glad to provide you with more specific details, but in the interim I thought I would share some information about Aweber (affiliate link).


Get Started Today For Only $1! - AWeber Communications I haven't used AWeber for very long at all but I can tell you that I find it to be exceptionally easy to use and am very pleased with the performance. Thus far I feel like it has provided an excellent return for a minimal amount of effort and investment.

Time will tell as to whether it continues to provide the sort of return that I need and want.

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Still Good

 I need to revisit this .