Festival Of The Fathers- A Blog Experience Part III

I am Jack and I'm pleased to welcome you to the third edition of the Festival Of The Fathers- A Blog Experience. It is a collection of posts from throughout the daddy blogosphere. It is a diverse group of men of varying backgrounds and experiences.

Though we may have our differences we share the joy and challenges of being fathers. Take a moment to walk through and learn a little bit more about some very fine men and how we handle fatherhood. I also want to say thank you to the kind hosts who allowed me to serve as guest blogger this week.

PapaRocks6:Dad’s Represent
DadWagon; Which Way Home
PDX Dad: Though it be madness there be method to it
And Triplets Make Six: Triplet Standard Time
Random Thoughts: Dad, What is Prostate Cancer?
Clark Kent's Lunchbox: Washeteria
The Daddy Files: I Hear Dead People
Tessa's Dad: #FatherhoodFriday – My first gut check as a dad
Sex and The Single Dad: March Hotness
Toner Mishap: King of the Wild Frontier RIP 


Ben Martin, TheFatherLife.com said...

Thanks for the link!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this list, Jack: a great resource for those of us who are relatively new to the world of the daddy blogger and are anxious to see the male perspective on so many of the issues I think about from the female side of things.

BigHeadDad said...

Thanks for the add! I cant wait to check out the other Dads!! A few I havent seen before!

Jack Steiner said...

Hi Ben,

It is my pleasure. Happy to be part of the community.


There are some great fathers out there who author some outstanding blogs. Really interesting men.


Glad to have you on board.

James (SeattleDad) said...

This is a great idea. Thanks again for including a link to LIAYF.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for adding me to your list. I never expected I would be on these lists or getting reviewed so I am pretty much in shock.
I enjoy reading what you share as well as our twitter exchanges. You have awesome taste in music, which most likely speaks to all other areas of your life.
Glad to get to know you and be part of something larger than all of us.
Dad's do need representation for all the good we do. Thanks for doing your part.

Jack Steiner said...

Hi James,

Keep on pumping the good content. :)

Hi Chris,

It has been a pleasure getting to know you. Always good to get a chance to talk to more dads and share our experiences. I enjoy speaking with you too.

EdathomeDad said...

Thank you for including me on the list. I am rather new to the Father Blogging community. I am happy to see others out there sharing their experiences in fatherhood and I am happy to share mine.

Jack Steiner said...

Hi Ed,


Pallywood Posts

 I think a bunch of the posts about Pallywood that have been written and or linked here have to be updated. Probably a bunch of bad links, k...