Festival Of The Fathers- A Blog Experience

Welcome to the first edition of The Festival of Fathers- A Blog Experience. It is a collection of posts about parenting but written from a father's perspective. Consider this the unofficial first edition in what will eventually become something bigger and better than it is now, kind of like our children.

There is no rhyme or reason to the order, they appear in random fashion, kind of like our kids do. One moment it is silent and the next it sounds like all hell has broken loose and then it is silent again. That is the way of children. If you like what you read leave a comment here and of course let the dads know on their own blogs.

And if you don't agree with how we do it, remember, we're men and we don't ask for permission or directions because life is a lot more fun when you just live it. ;)

Treppenwitz:Parental fieldcraft vs. Technology
Clark Kent's Lunchbox:  "Endurance" Published by The Good Men Project
Dad Who Writes: Language, or more Little Elf speak
Luke, I Am Your Father: Thine Eyes Have Seen The Beauty
DC Urban Dad: Mini-Kamp, sometimes people aren't who you think they are
US And Them: Mistaken Crustaceans And Fame
Jack: Teaching Children How To Judge Others
Stay At Home Dad: #FatherhoodFriday – Things I’ve learned from my daughter
Real Men Drive Minivans:My kid has expensive taste
Mocha Dad: Peer Pressure and Kindergarten Fashion
Almighty Dad: Solar Flare Survival Kit: Not Paranoia

Father Doesn't Know Best: How Precious Are Your Pictures
And Triplets Make Six: The Driving Force
New York Dad: Grandma, Grandpa and Max Headroom…
Dada Rocks: Where does the time fly
Dadwagon: A Week on the Wagon: Punching Bag Edition
Why is Daddy Crying: Glitter Bitches!
Diary of a New Dad: Week Nine: Rainbow yawns, and a hole in my wallet
Outnumbered is Me:My Wife Left Me...
Dad Gone Mad: A Better Man
Dad-o-Matic: I Am Not Weird 
Dad's House: Bad Sex or No Sex
The Busy Dad: Neither I, Nor Beef, Will Ever Be The Same
Buck Daddy's Blog: Because I Said So – Dad Edition – Dream Job
Backpacking Dad: Sophie Redux
Writer Dad: A Promise to My Family
DadLabs:Changing Station in Men’s John a Tipping Point in Human History

And there you have it, a brief snapshot, and one that is certainly not complete of the Daddy Bloggers that are hanging out in Cyberspace. It is a motley crew of men who are chronicling our adventures and experiences as fathers.

I would be greatly appreciative if you help share the love and send along a note, tweet, post, link whatever to your readers, friends and family. Feel free to leave comments, questions here or email me at talktojacknow-at-gmail-dot-com

P.S. And by all means feel free to sift through the archives here they are chalk full of good stuff. Sign up for the FB fan page, follow me on Twitter what have you. End of personal promotion.


john cave osborne said...


what a great idea. i'm honored to be among so many other awesome and like-minded bloggers.

much thanks. i'll be tweeting about it tomorrow.

New York Dad said...

jack, a true honor to be included in the first edition whether official or not! I like it. I will definitely spread the word...

Let's do it again, shall we :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey there! Thanks for including me (though I've no idea why!)

Sean Platt said...

Hey man, thanks for including me! I'm honored to be amongst such a group of fine men. :)

Ben said...

Hi Jack,

I'd be most grateful if you could include me in your fine list of fathers.




Anonymous said...

Jack - this is an awesome idea. And loops me in on some dads bloggers that I don't read.

Jack Steiner said...

Hi John,

Thanks. I am happy to have so many fine fathers to include.

NY Dad,

We'll definitely keep this up. Got to do what we can to help each other out.


You are a father and you write. That is enough for me.

Hi Sean,

We're glad to have you aboard.

Hi Ben,

I'll see what I can do.


I am glad that you liked it. The Fathers are on the move.

Ron said...

Many thanks, Jack. That's a pretty prestigious group of dads to be included with.

Jack Steiner said...


Keep up the good work. Happy to include you.

Kevin said...

Thanks for pointing to my post on DAD-O-Matic. Conisder MySpellingSucks.com and TheDADvocateProject.com in the future. Thanks again.

James (SeattleDad) said...

Wow, what a terrific idea for a series.

Thanks so much for including one of my posts. I feel honored.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Very cool idea. Thanks for including me in such a great group of dads.

Jack Steiner said...

Hi Kevin,

I'll keep those in mind.

Hi James,

I am the admin for a blog carnival that we do in the Jblogosphere. It works well there so I figured I'd give it a shot here.

Hi PJ,

My pleasure. I figure that it is long past time for the fathers to work together. This is just one little piece of the puzzle.

Tessasdad said...

Great stuff here. Thanks again. Awesome to see all of us working together to promote each other as well.

Viva la revolucion!

Jack Steiner said...

Viva la revolucion!


Keith Wilcox said...

jack, Thanks for including me in your list. I take it as an honor. It's good to see us communicating amongst ourselves and growing our little community here.

Thanks again!

Jack Steiner said...

Hi Keith,

We're glad to have you.

Anonymous said...

Great list of some great writing. Thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

Great job. Trying to connect with lots of other dads, seems like a full-time job. I like all the ones you listed and looking for others to connect with.
Still trying to figure it out and find a niche, but you've listed a wide perspective, which is fantastic.
Were all men, were all dads and we all have a point of view that matters. I enjoy reading and seeing life through other dads lenses.
Thanks for you efforts and work you put into this.

Anonymous said...

Great job. Trying to connect with lots of other dads, seems like a full-time job. I like all the ones you listed and looking for others to connect with.
Still trying to figure it out and find a niche, but you've listed a wide perspective, which is fantastic.
Were all men, were all dads and we all have a point of view that matters. I enjoy reading and seeing life through other dads lenses.
Thanks for you efforts and work you put into this.

Jack Steiner said...

Great list of some great writing. Thanks for sharing


Great job. Trying to connect with lots of other dads, seems like a full-time job.

It takes a bit of time, but it is worth it. Really good guys here.

Otter Thomas said...

This is a great list of Dads. I am proud to say that I already know most of them. It's nice to share the love.

DaDa Rocks! said...

I really love the year of the dad blogger! So happy to be part of it!

Jack thanks for putting this together!

Jack Steiner said...

Hey OT,

It is a great community to belong to.


We're glad to have you.

Jacob said...


I'm coming to this late, but I'm glad I found it. I've started writing about fatherhood at http://familybed45.blogspot.com/, and I'm glad to see such a large community.

Thanks for this bringing this together.

Jack Steiner said...

Hi Jacob,

We're glad to have you.

Still Here

 I am still here even if I publish at a snail's pace. I am still here even if these posts aren't quite as random as they once were. ...