When is it Appropriate to Use Your iPhone

I located it over here: http://gizmodo.com/5419435/a-romance-flowchart-when-is-it-inappropriate-to-use-your-iphone?skyline=true&s=x

Posted via web from thejackb's posterous


Anonymous said...

Fantastic. I walked out on a meal with a friend this week who couldn't stop taking phone calls during the dinner. I gave him a warning and he ignored it. There's definitely a time and a place!

Honey B. said...

That is hilarious! I'm giving it to my husband. lol

Aimee @ Ain't Yo Mama's Blog said...

Love this. Sending it to everyone I know...

Jack Steiner said...

Hi Rachel,

It is a problem and I admit to sometimes being distracted by my BlackBerry. Working on fixing that issue.

Hi Honey,

Thanks for coming by, I appreciate it.


That works for me. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey Jack - I find the 'off' button is quite useful.... ;-)

Good luck with your Crackberry addiction!!

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