Horror Movies- No Sound Equals No Fear

Typically I am ambivalent about watching horror movies. I don’t find them all that exciting or interesting.

Oftentimes the acting is poor and many rely upon blood, guts and gore to make them fly. I can take them or leave them.

Truth be told the only time I really remember paying attention to them was during my single years. I found them to be a useful tool as they did a good job of encouraging handholding and the like. There, that is my big confession of the evening.

Here is one more. Silence of the Lambs did wonders for my dating life, I'll save the full story for a different night. And now on to the meat of the post.

If you are the kind of person who watches horror movies from between the fingers you use to cover your eyes you might want to consider turning off the sound. Ok, turning off the sound would make it awfully dull, but it would work. There is something else that can be done. Get rid of the soundtrack. Strip it from the movie and leave the dialogue.

Ok, I don't know how you would or could do this, but without the scary soundtrack the movie loses some of its edge. The monsters aren't quite so scary and the anticipation is dramatically reduced. 

Think about it.


AnnaB said...

I have always like horror movies; yeah, even the really bad ones. I'm not even one of those people who watches without my hand on my eyes. I guess what motivates me about them is they invoke all types of emotions in one sitting - surprise, disgust, fear. I usually watch other movies to balance me out as well, but horror/thrillers are my favorite because they are suspenseful and everyone needs to be scared once in a while. Best part it, it's not real.

Jack Steiner said...

I have certainly watched my share of them. Some of them have been very good. And some of them are so bad that I have to watch.

I like a good thriller as opposed to a horror flick. Not really sure where the line is, I have to think about it.

bernthis said...

I can't stand horror movies. Like I don't have enough anxiety in my life.

Otter Thomas said...

I don't like horror movies. That are typically just dumb. My wife loves them so I watch with her. I do enjoy watching the Halloween series around Halloween. Mike Meyers is a good monster or villain or whatever he is.

Jack Steiner said...


I hear you. Anxiety can be useful in small doses, but sometimes there is no need to add to it.


It is fun around Halloween to find a screwy movie or two to watch.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .