Haveil Havalim #242- Taking Responsibility Edition

Welcome to Haveil Havalim #242, the taking responsibility edition. This week my friend Joshuapundit had intended to handle the carnival. And I am confident that he would have done a fine job had I not screwed things up.

I inadvertently left out a letter in his email address and as a result he didn't receive any submissions. So with my apologies to him and the rest of you here is a quick version of HH for your review.

Mordechai presents "You Will All Be Listening To Him One Day . . ." posted at lubavitch.com Chabad-Lubavitch news site.

David Morris presents Shaking Your Baby to Death posted at Tzedek-Tzedek."

Yisrael Medad presents LGF Gets Dainty posted at My Right Word.

Yisrael Medad presents Kiss Your What? Certainly Not posted at My Right Word.

Yisrael Medad presents My Right Word: Muslim War Criminals posted at My Right Word.

Yisrael Medad presents JPost.com | BlogCentral | Green-Lined | 'The Jewish Terrorist' posted at Green-Lined.

Mottel presents Dr. David Luchins and a Little Blog by Mottel posted at Letters of Thought.


Lady-Light presents Dr. Siderer's Questions: Goldstone Has No Answers posted at Tikkun Olam.

The Real Shliach presents The Jew posted at The Real Shliach.


Lady-Light presents Leonid Meteor Shower: Impact? posted at Tikkun Olam.

Jacob Richman presents 90 Jewish and Israeli Twitter Lists posted at Good News from Israel.

Lady-Light presents Murder at Ft. Hood: a Coward Strikes posted at Tikkun Olam.

Eliyahu Fink presents When Times Are Tough posted at Pacific Jewish Center | Rabbi.

Lady-Light presents While the Monkeys Swing from the Trees, the Civilized Learn and Discover. . . posted at Tikkun Olam.


Ilana-Davita presents Righteous Among the Nations posted at Ilana-Davita.

Maya presents A creepy piece of history posted at How to Be Israeli.


Toby Curwin presents Does that really count? posted at A Time of the Signs.

Maya presents Stereotypes are fun! (Please help...) posted at How to Be Israeli.

Benji Lovitt presents Updated Tour Schedule (Subtitle: Insomnia and Other Things That Suck) posted at What War Zone???.

Benji Lovitt presents Heartbreak Kotel, Dome of the Jailhouse Rock, and Other Failed Israeli Elvis Songs posted at What War Zone???


rutimizrachi presents Who's your daddy? posted at Ki Yachol Nuchal!

Ben-Yehudah presents A Jerusalem Bus Map,...Finally! posted at Esser Agaroth

Batya presents Ya'akov Teitel, "Perfect Gentleman" posted at Shiloh Musings.

Jacob Richman presents Good News from Israel: Photos of the Torah Dedication at the Maalot David Shul posted at Good News from Israel.

Toby Curwin presents Ruby Rooftops in the Rain posted at I Wish I Were a Photographer.

Shmuel Sokol presents MK Aryeh Bibi (Kadima) "Jewish holy places must remain open!" posted at תורת ישראל.
Maya presents It wasn't just Kiryat Bialik... posted at How to Be Israeli.

Ben-Yehudah presents The Real Story Behind Ya'akov Teitel posted at Esser Agaroth.

Cosmic X presents Dudu Elharar Tells It Like It Is posted at ****** Cosmic X in Jerusalem ******.

Cosmic X presents Kahane Memorial and the Israel Press posted at ****** Cosmic X in Jerusalem
Cosmic X presents Settler Teens Form Yaakov Teitel Fan Club posted at ****** Cosmic X in Jerusalem

Eric presents What’s The Word On J-Street? posted at The Israel Situation.

Yisroel presents Israel: Marching Through the Economic Meltdown posted at Artzeinu.

Yisroel presents Parshat Lech Lecha: The First Mitzvah Given to a Jew Is To Move To Israel! posted at Artzeinu.

Joel Katz presents Religion and State in Israel - November 2, 2009 (Section 1) posted at Religion and State in Israel."

Joel Katz presents Religion and State in Israel - November 2, 2009 (Section 2) posted at Religion and State in Israel.


Yehoishophot Oliver presents Love of Hashem posted at A Chassidishe farbrengen.

Mordechai Torczyner presents Would you watch this movie? posted at The Rebbetzin's Husband.

Hadassah Sabo Milner presents My Judaism – Submissions « In the Pink.

Shira Salamone presents A typical Conservative B. Mitzvah celebration?


Mordechai Torczyner presents You Make the Shiur! posted at The Rebbetzin's Husband.

Shira Salamone presents Lech L'Cha/Vayera smackdown, or G-d's a sexist posted at ON THE FRINGE—AL TZITZIT.

Shira Salamone presents HaShem's chutzpah posted at ON THE FRINGE—AL TZITZIT.


That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of haveil havalim using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
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The Rebbetzin's Husband said...

Sorry to hear it, but יישר כחך for taking responsibility.

Lady-Light said...

Ok, it can happen to anyone. I second The Rebbetzin's Husband: kol hakavod, you stepped up to the plate, admitted your error, and rectified it as best you could.
And thank you for posting my submissions (I don't know where the extra ones came from, but...thanks anyway!)

Now, get some sleep.

Jack Steiner said...


Sometimes it sucks to be a grown up. ;) But we do what we have to do.


Thank you for sending them in. The carnival wouldn't fly without the community.

Batya said...

Jack, I hope you don't mind that I changed its name to: The Thank G-d For Blog Carnival Edition of Havel Havelim! Great job! Thanks

toby said...

Great save! And thanks for including both of my links :)

YMedad said...

So, I am an uncategorized blogger? Or an all-over-the-place-can't-define blogger? Thanks for the extra work.

Jack Steiner said...


That is a good title and certainly fitting.


My pleasure.

So, I am an uncategorized blogger? Or an all-over-the-place-can't-define blogger?

You are our all purpose utility, can play any position blogger. ;)

Maya / מיה said...

Thanks for stepping up to the plate and getting this done-- and for including my links!

Word of the day: flurn. That has to be one of the best I've seen in a while. :)


Anonymous said...

Jack: thanks for the hard work and for including my post.

Jack Steiner said...


Flurn is a new one for me. I kind of like it.


My pleasure.

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