Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned

Our pals at Toner Mishap turned us onto this tale of one man's odyssey into the Twilight Zone.
A Wisconsin man who thought he was joining his lover at a motel for an afternoon tryst was instead blindfolded and bound while she and three other women, including his wife, berated and humiliated him over his infidelity, according to a criminal complaint.

Four of the women have been charged with false imprisonment in the romance-revenge scheme and one of them is accused of sexual assault for allegedly super-gluing the man's genitals to his stomach, the complaint says.

Apparently his lovely ladies didn't like being part of a harem. As J. Geils used to sing, Love Sticks, er Stinks.


Tzipporah said...

OMG - it's like "Election" become real!!!

The Misanthrope said...

very clever, "Love Sticks"

SnoopyTheGoon said...

He he... next time this poor schmuck will surely look around before he gets into a motel room.

Jack Steiner said...


Thank you.


You would think. ;)

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .