Do you wear shoes in the house?


Esser Agaroth said...

Of course not, unless you count slippers when it's cold in the winter.

The Rebbetzin's Husband said...

Usually not.

Jack Steiner said...

Slippers- dude you are not one of those East Coast wussies.


How about a cape. Do you wear a cape in the house? ;)

Esser Agaroth said...

If you're referring to me, then you know, Jack, that as one who was born in, and live 26 years of my life in, So. Cal., that I "don't DO cold."

How I survive winters where it snows, I don't know.

It's funny how all these Nu Yawkers moan about Jerusalem summers {they wouldn't last a second in Tel Aviv}, and whine about needing A/C 24/7.


For the record, I do not wear a cape in the house, unless you count a Tallith, which I do wrap around myself and over my head, looking a little like a cape.

Jack Steiner said...

I "don't DO cold.

I hear ya.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .