Blue Whales

I intend to watch the National Geographic special on Blue Whales. I think that they are incredible.
  • Blue whales can grow up to 100 feet (~30 m). Lengthwise that's the equivalent of two city buses and longer than an NBA basketball court.
  • They can weigh up to 200 tons. That's about 8 DC-9 aircrafts or 15 school buses.
    In fact, their tongue alone weigh as much as an elephant. About 100 people can fit in a blue whale's mouth.
  • A blue whale heart is the size of a Mini Cooper and can weigh close to 2,000 pounds (~907 kg). Its heartbeat can be detected from two miles away and a human can easily crawl through its major arteries.
  • Blue whales can produce sounds louder than a jet engine (188 dB vs. jet engine's 140 dB) and can communicate with other whales up to 1,000 miles away.
  • A single adult eats about 4 tons of krill (tiny shrimplike animals) a day.
  • The spray from a blue whale's blowhole is almost as tall as a three-story building (30 feet or 9 m).
  • A toddler can fit into its blowhole.
Here is a link to some more incredible facts.

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Still Good

 I need to revisit this .