President Obama's Inauguration

This is what I would call sort of live blogging the event. I have been torn about whether I felt like being on the computer today. Check that, I have to be on the computer for work purposes, the question has been whether I was going to blog about anything.

I am not as caught up in the events of the day as a lot of people are. That is not to say that I am not excited about it, I am. But I am feeling a bit worn out. I am tired of reading about all of the challenges we face. I am tired of reading about banks and other industries being given billions of dollars to be bailed out.

Lots of people are in financial trouble. Lots of people are fighting to stay afloat and it kind of irks me to see these institutions get more cash, especially since I know that I will end up paying for it.

So I am ready to let the man begin working. As I said in an earlier post I don't expect that he or any other person can turn everything around over night. It is going to take time to make things happen and while I am ready to celebrate the potential for change and a brighter future I am far more interested in seeing the process get started.

More to come on this in another post.


Anonymous said...

Obama's speech was really good; i appreciate his candor and general classiness

Anonymous said...

Let me preface my comment by saying that, while I did not vote for Obama, I will pray for him.

I just think it is interesting that Obama began backpeddaling as soon as he had won the election. And Matt Lauer is helping him out also. This morning on TODAY Mr. Lauer basically said that Obama could not keep his promises he made during the campaign because of the economy. Hello????!!!! We were in this same state when Obama made those promises.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .