I am always tempted to intentionally stock my own cabinet with all sorts of crazy items, you know like eye of newt, random pieces of unidentified flesh like items, scalpels. And of course a collection of prescriptions that suggest severe mental issues.
The idea is to see if I can cause the snoops to let out a big scream. That ought to teach them to go digging around. ;)
This is where my ex's spare set of artificial eyes came in handy...
That's pretty funny.
Stock the cabinet with supersized boxes of condoms. You will quickly gain a reputation as a sex god.
I don't know why anyone cares what' s in the medicine cabinet (unless they have a headache). My spouse always looks first thing after walking into a new place in the.... refrigerator. (I prefer the bookshelves myself, but hey, al ta'am v'reich, ein l'hitvakeach)
Now there is an idea. I like it.
Books and music always interest me more than the medicine cabinet.
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