40 Inspirational Speeches in 2 Minutes


Jill said...

Ok - that is good - very good. But there are only, like, two women in there, and that's not including Mary Martin as Peter Pan. :) I mean, who is more inspirational than a mom! :)

Aw - I really did like it. But I would like it more with more women in it. :)

Jack Steiner said...

Hi Jill,

Who is more inspirational than a mom. That is a good question. Can't think of too many movies that feature women with inspirational speeches. Don't know if that is because they don't exist or I am not familiar with them.

Jill said...

Norma Rae is the first one that comes to mind but I am certain that there have got to be more examples. Erin Brokovich. Hmm - well - I'm in the middle of writing up an application for something, but if more come to me, I'll add them. :)

Jack Steiner said...

Haven't watched Norma Rae in years. Saw Erin Brockovitch but I don't remember much about it.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .