Saturday Night Music

Just finished dinner a short time ago. Went out with a dear friend who is in the middle of getting divorced. Here is some of the music that played in the background courtesy of the iTunes shuffle. Some of it probably wasn't the best choice, but it worked.

Fire and Rain- James Taylor
Knocking on Heaven's Door- Bob Dylan
Can't Find my Way Home- Blind Faith
I Cant Get It Out Of My Head-ELO
Crying- Roy Orbison
In The Mood- Robert Plant
Loving Her Was Easier (Than Anything I'll Ever Do Again)-Kris Kristofferson
Brown Eyed Handsome Man- Waylon Jennings
Canyon Reverie- R. Carlos Nakai
What I've Done- Linkin Park
Battle Without Honor Or Humanity-Tomoyasu Hotei
I Can Love You Like That-John Michael Montgomery

Crossposted here.


One Wink at a Time said...

Excellent list, Jack. But I must go now to check out Battle W/O Honor, Canyon Reverie and What I've Done. Never been an L.Park fan, but I'll give it a listen.

Jack Steiner said...

You probably are familiar with some of those songs, but just don't know their names.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .