What's Your Favorite Topic To Blog About?

*Sticky Post- New Posts found below**
Before I sign off I have one question for you. What is your favorite topic to blog about?


Chaviva Gordon-Bennett said...

Judaism, duh! But really, I like writing about my experiences re: being a convert. People seem to dig it, and I like to share. I like to think I'm inspiring generations of already-decided-to-convert converts to share their stories.

The question is: What do YOU most favoritely like to blog about? (I made that word up.)

Jacob Da Jew said...

Uh, food.

Lemme rethink that

Yeah, food.

Originally From Brooklyn said...

How people should be living up to ideals that they end up never living up to. The Human Condition.

Val said...

me me me me me.. oh and my family! :)

Gila said...

Stupid nonsense. Seriously--to write about nothing and to do it well is an incredible challenge. And the challenge is what keeps me writing.

Oxmyx said...

Current events.

Juggling Frogs said...

Tutorials, recipes, and anything I'd otherwise have to write out long instructions on a per-person basis.

I love being able to point to something already written when someone asks how to do something!

It feels both helpful and like cheating!

Juggling Frogs said...

Also, I love making link round-ups. It feels more like a party than a post.

Anonymous said...

Stereotypes within the orthodox Jewish community.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .