Jerusalem Is Calling- Nefesh B'Nefesh Bloggers Conference

"Hello Jack," said the voice on the other side of the phone line. "It is almost time."

"I know, hard to believe that in a few short weeks we'll be leaving for the First International Jewish Bloggers Conference."

I try to mask my excitement about the coming trip by speaking about other things so we cover the usual pleasantries about life and our families. But invariably the conversation turns to the conference, who is going to be there, what surprises lie in wait for us.

It is kind of a funny conversation, talking about blogging with another blogger. You find yourself talking about mutual friends that you haven't really met, at least not in person. Yet, thanks to the wonderful world of blogging you know a lot more about them then you might know about real world friends.

I haven't had too many of these conversations. I have spent most of my time blogging guarding my anonymity, I have had relatively few conversations with other bloggers, unmasked. Part of the joy of blogging for me has been in the freedom that mask and cape provide.

You know Adam West made prancing around in tights look really easy, but I digress.

"No matter how many times you take that flight, it never gets any shorter. Those last few hours just kill me," I share with my fellow traveler.

"But this time around I have figured out a foolproof scheme for making the hours fly by," I add.

"Oh really, what is it" comes the reply.

"I have this great screenplay for you to read. And the travel agent has just confirmed that we can sit together for the whole flight. It will be great!"

And then suddenly I realize that the line is dead. My companion has hung up and run for the hills. Smart guy, he doesn't really want to spend the 15 hours discussing the finer points of my screenplay "Hair Today" now does he.

P.S. Just to hold off the hordes and the huge volume of email that I know I will receive, the conversation above never took place. It just made for decent blog fodder.

Speaking of Blog Fodder, here is an offer you can't refuse from your Blog Fodder. Go and register for the conference. You don't have to be there in person, it is going to be webcast.


Another meshugannah mommy said...

I wish I could be there in person - but I will be watching the webcast!

WomanHonorThyself said...

oh my..what fun!...have a blast and be careful!

Right Truth said...

Giving up your true identity can be scary. The story about the airplane is interesting. Getting stuck on a long flight with a seat-mate that drives you crazy is scary.

Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth

Sarah Likes Green said...

have a great time!

wish i could be there but am too far away. will have to make do with online.

maybe they'll be serving waffles...

Jack Steiner said...


It should be the next best thing to being there.




Should be a blast.


The waffles should be great.

Jewish Deaf Motorcycling Dad said...

I want to watch the webcast, but will be teaching on the 20th. Major bummer. I look forward to your write up (as well as Treppenwitz, Frum Satire, and others).

About giving up your true identity, the blogger I first started reading "Waiter Rant" recently dropped his secret identity when his book came out. It was interesting to see people's reaction to his picture, how different he was from what people expected.

mother in israel said...

Hey, you're not on my list.
See you there!

Jack Steiner said...


I am sure that the webcast will be available for people to see afterwards as well.


That's because I am undercover.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .