And You Thought Quantas was Safe

This is the kind of thing that would make me crazy.
"Qantas has been hit by another embarrassing flight incident, this time diverting an aircraft because the plane's toilets were full.

The Sydney Morning Herald reports that flight QF571, flying from Sydney to Perth, was forced to stage an unplanned stop in Adelaide in order to empty the toilets.

The flight had originated in Honolulu, but ground staff forgot to empty the toilets when the plane landed in Sydney. An hour into the plane's next flight, three of the toilets had stopped working.

"They told us that under any reasonable calculation, the rest of them would go pretty quickly," one businessman told Fairfax Media during the plane's cleaning stop in Adelaide.

"All this discussion of toilets triggered an urgent need to go in just about everyone," he said.

"We did ask for more red wine to be brought on board, but it was felt not to be a priority."

The incident came after another Qantas flight was delayed for 16 hours yesterday in London with a rudder problem. Passengers spent the night in hotel rooms provided by Qantas.

Want to know more? Click here.


Sarah Likes Green said...

travel insurance claims because toilets blocked.
qantas needs to do some serious work on getting their standards back to where they used to be.

Originally From Brooklyn said...

This story is just too funny. Also reminiscent of my coach bus experience, we were told not to use the toilets because if we did the smell would make everyone terribly uncomfortable.

Jack Steiner said...


I should think so.


Funny for who. I am just glad that I wasn't on that flight.

Anonymous said...

Safe but sh%^y, Though they still hold the title of airline with no crashes.

Jack Steiner said...



Still Good

 I need to revisit this .