Circumcise Me-Yisrael Campbell

The folks at The Jewish Channel turned me onto this comedian. I grabbed a section of their write up about him for your review:
Yisrael Campbell was born Chris Campbell in suburban Philadelphia, and was raised, he says, “Catholic enough to know I was going to hell.” As a teenager he battled drug addiction and alcoholism, but resurfaced from it and moved to L.A. to pursue an acting career that never quite took off. Circumcise Me shows how this gentile who hated authority and all organized religion was slowly drawn to Orthodox Judaism, and shares the jokes inspired by his transformation—which are often as profound as they are funny.


Chaviva Gordon-Bennett said...

I saw this over on another blog, and love it :) Thanks for posting!

Jack Steiner said...

My pleasure.

Kol Ra'ash Gadol said...

He is, incidentally, also a lovely menschlikh guy. I know him for a while when we were in LA and both Conservative Jews. Even after his later conversion,he continued to be respectful and lovely, and didn't get the er, convert's monomaniacal focus. really, a very nice guy, besides being very funny.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .