867-5309- Is Jenny Calling you

This number might make me do a double take.

"Someone with a little knowledge of musical golden oldies is jangling nerves in Delaware.

Some people getting late night and early morning telemarketing calls in the Wilmington area have been doing a double take when they see the number on their caller ID: 867-5309. That's part of the title of a 1980s hit — "867-5309/Jenny" — by the band Tommy Tutone."
For the full story click here.


PsychoToddler said...

I used to play that song.

RaggedyMom said...

One of the public school districts where I used to teach had their entire network of phone numbers as 867-5***

Anytime I needed to dial an extension, I sang the song to myself, changing the last 3 digits if needed. I think the art room actually was 5309.

Jack Steiner said...


You should play it again.


That is kind of funny.

Michael said...

Thanks, Jack. Now I can't get that frickin' song out of my head!

Jack Steiner said...


Happy to be of service.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .