You Need a Belt

Gun ownership for private citizens is always a hot topic. But I am guessing that most people will agree that if you can't keep your pants up while shooting, you aren't responsible enough to own a gun.


Anonymous said...

He needs suspenders too, because he's already wearing a belt.


bigwhitehat said...


I agree. This fella needs to try another hobby.

Deadman said...

What? The dude is a completely responsible shooter. He concentrated on what he was doing even whiled de-pantsed, kept his shotgun pointed downrange the whole time and even racked the slide back and opened the breach before stopping to hike his pants back up.

Sheesh. It's not like he pointed his gun at his blog audience through the screen. Now THAT'S irresponsible, as we were were all told here last year...

Jack Steiner said...


Very true.


Maybe gardening.
Sheesh. It's not like he pointed his gun at his blog audience through the screen. Now THAT'S irresponsible, as we were were all told here last year...

And how. ;)

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .