The Worst Album Covers- Ethel Merman Disco Mix

Since it is Monday and I require an extra dose of inspiration I am listening to the Ethel Merman Disco mix. Just try to tell me that you are not tapping your toes along with the mighty Merman.

It is like a train wreck. You want to turn off the music. If only the pain would stop you might be able to think clearly. And when that moment comes some of you are probably going to want to seek vengeance upon the person that is responsible for your discomfort.

I share that responsibility with the fine proprietor of Inarticulate Fumblings whose post about the Worst Album Covers set me on a course that led me here today.

Somewhere the Shmata Queen is thinking "Oh happy day, this post isn't going to knock cleveland." Nope, it is not going to, but it will slam your favorite decade, the '70s. What the hell were we thinking back then.

You younguns might want to click here and take a gander at some of these pictures. Have a good laugh, but remember one day someone will be laughing at you.

And for the older folks here is a link to a site called Worst Album Covers. As a special treat I have included some of them here. P.S. Not all of them are from the '70s. Oy.


cruisin-mom said...

Oy Jack, I'm rotflmao. That last one is a take-off of Herb Alpert's album. (I know cause we had that album when I was a dad loved the album...gee, wonder why)

Deadman said...

Stuff party???

I think it's pretty obvious what they're stuffing and where it's being stuffed...

Jack Steiner said...


These things kills me.


I spose so.

JJ said...

That's not Mike Crain, that's Mike Myers!!!

I sure laughed at these! The Singing Postman...LOL!!!!

The Misanthrope said...

great stuff, glad you highlighted the post.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .