Mr. Hooper Goes Surfing- Sesame Street Videos

I stumbled onto the Sesame Street Video Player over here. It has some pretty cool stuff.

Who knew that Oscar hates the holidays. Want to watch the video? Type in
Oscar Holidays in the search box and click on I HATE CHRISTMAS!

Or click on the video below and watch Mr. Hooper go surfing.


SuperRaizy said...

Oh my God! Mr. Hooper in swimming trunks being carried spread eagled across the beach? My eyes! My eyes!

Elie said...

Ah, the good old days before Sesame Street turned into The Elmo Hour and became ultra-PC. How I miss that once-great kids show.

Richmond said...

Holy cow!! What a wonderful find!!

Jack Steiner said...


Blink twice and you'll be fine.


I am with you.


There is all sorts of good stuff floating around.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .