Bhutto's Death- Shots Fired From a Grassy Knoll

Pakistan is a just a mess. There are 16 different versions of how Bhutto died, err assassinated. If I am not mistaken the media has issued the following reports:
  1. She was shot. The shooter then blew himself up.
  2. She died from the shrapnel from the suicide bomber.
  3. She banged her head on the sunroof of the car.
  4. As she passed through Dealey Plaza shots rang out from the grassy knoll.
It feels a bit like an episode of South Park. Let's see what CNN has to say about this:
(CNN) -- Conflicting reports about what caused the death of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto are fueling questions about the circumstances of her assassination.

Bhutto's political party disputed official versions of the incident, accusing the government of lying. Video footage of Thursday's attack on Bhutto contains a murky shot of a hand firing a pistol three times, but the Pakistani government said Bhutto -- who was standing through her vehicle's sunroof -- was not hit.

The latest explanation Friday by Pakistan's Interior Ministry said Bhutto, 54, died from a fractured skull after hitting her head on a piece of the vehicle.

Immediately following the gunfire, a suicide bomber ignited explosives near Bhutto's motorcade.

An Interior Ministry spokesman, Brig. Javed Iqbal Cheema, said Bhutto "fell down or perhaps ducked" and apparently hit her head on a lever connected to the car's sunroof. Cheema added that the lever was stained with blood.

Cheema's version of events conflicts with that of the government-run news agency Associated Press of Pakistan, which at first quoted the Interior Ministry as saying shrapnel from the bomb blast killed Bhutto. The suicide bomb killed more than 20 others, and at least 100 were wounded.

On Thursday, an initial report from the Interior Ministry said Bhutto died of a gunshot wound to the neck.

Bhutto's death did not result from a bullet or shrapnel, Cheema said, and nothing entered her head.

Dr. Mussadiq Khan of Rawalpindi General Hospital, who treated Bhutto before she was declared dead, said she had "a big wound" on the side of her head "that usually occurs when something big, with a lot of speed, hits that area."

By the time Bhutto was brought to the hospital Thursday, she "was not breathing, she did not have a pulse," Khan said, and her eyes were not responding to light. Doctors tried unsuccessfully to revive her by cardiopulmonary resuscitation, he said.

At a news conference, Cheema showed the video of Bhutto in the vehicle, standing up in the sunroof and looking out at the surrounding crowd.

Farzana Raja of Bhutto's Pakistan People's Party said the government's explanation is "a pack of lies," and she offered another explanation. "It was a sniper shooting," she said, also accusing the government of a "total security lapse."

CNN national security analyst Ken Robinson, who worked in U.S. intelligence in Pakistan during the Clinton administration, said he suspects Bhutto's enemies are attempting to control her legacy by minimizing the attack's role in her demise.

"They're trying to deny her a martyr's death, and in Islam, that's pretty important," Robinson said."


Deadman said...

Next up: Ron Paul explains why it's the US' fault.

And the Leftwing pundits explain why we shouldn't get involved in the affairs of Pakistan (that we are already involved in).

That whacky news just keeps on coming.

cruisin-mom said...

As she passed through Dealey Plaza shots rang out from the grassy knoll.

That is hysterical. Now they are sending in her 19 year old son...yikes

Anonymous said...

* Benazir is 'DEAD', 'history'!
* Mushrattf is in the lite!
* yup, somebody orchestrated it!
* the 'pinpoint-cause' is not
going to stop the rotation of the
'all' the news media bull_ _ _ t is only confusing the real facts.
stoking the raging fire.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .