Therapy For Ezzie

Folks in light of another tragic collapse of a team from the burning river we have taken up a collection to pay for therapy for Ezzie. If nothing else we need to get him interested in rooting for a team that might actually win a championship.

Maybe we need to send him off to The Holy Land on a Quest for Waffles. Then again our waffle master hasn't any interest in sports so he is unlikely to lend a sympathetic ear. Von Treppenwitz is also located in the holy land and is a rabid sports fan. However he is a fan of that other team so that probably wouldn't be a good match either.

So maybe we should just send him to see the rebbetzin and they can commiserate together.


Holy Hyrax said...

Its my fault that Clevalend lost. The day I opened my mouth that they were going to loose that night, they were on a loosing streak and never won.


Jack Steiner said...


Back in the days when I posted on DovBear I was the spelling nazi.

Jameel @ The Muqata said...

Ezzie can play saturday night hockey with me...

(I love to play sports...can not stand to spectate)

Jack Steiner said...

can not stand to spectate)

You're supposed to sit.

Ezzie said...

Did I mention that I hate you? I think I did... :)

Jack Steiner said...


One day cleveland will win a championship and then the aliens will transport us all to Qualcon 3 where we'll live in peace and harmony. ;)

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .