Dumbledore Is/Was Gay

I don't really see how this adds to the tale, but Rowling shared it the other day and now I share it with you.

Rowling Says Dumbledore Is Gay


Sarah Likes Green said...

you know what they say: any publicity is good publicity

fashionista cat in a zero gravity shoe-store said...

Now she could start writing novels for a more mature audience, I suppose ;)

Chaim said...

Very important information, I mean my Harry Potter experience was never going to complete until I knew the sexual orientation of every single characters.

I commend Rowling for putting millions of little children's minds at ease with the information most of the third graders I KNOW were dying to find out!

Michael said...

Gosh. Now all the books make sense.

Why can't people just keep their frickin' mouths shut sometimes?

Deadman said...

I wanna know if Rowling is a lesbo.

Jack Steiner said...




Also true.


Jerry Springer is thrilled.


It was a crucial piece of the puzzle.



Deadman said...

How do you know??

Jack Steiner said...

She is my aunt.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .