Dear Psychotoddler

Dear Psychotoddler,

I read with great interest your post about why you haven't been blogging. It was kind of fun and it was easy to relate to. In fact at lunch today The Shmata Queen and I discussed how you tagged her and asked her to participate.

Apparently the dear girl is still how do they say, crazy busy. Add that to her general blogging malaise and I think that you might be waiting a long time for that post. On the other hand I did witness a pretty stiff chocolate addiction, so maybe you can bribe her.

P.S. There is nothing like listening to her drawl. "Did y'all see that Psychotoddler tagged me for a meme." It was quite an experience.


PsychoToddler said...

Why Jack, I do believe you are jealous!

I was thinking of tagging you instead. What's it been, ten minutes since your last post?

Stacey said...

'Tis true, Markipoo. I actually met the Jackster today.

And Jack, didja have to lick the plate that Molten Chocolate cake was on? It shoulda been me! YUM!! That cake rocked.

Jack Steiner said...

Ouch, a guy named Markipoo tried to slam me. I feel so bad.

PsychoToddler said...

Yay! You spelled it right!

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .