Why Would You Send This To Me

The joy of being out here in the public eye is that you never know what you are going to find in your inbox. A person who shall remain nameless emailed a link to a video called Leave Britney Alone.

I hate to admit that I actually watched it. I can't figure out why it was sent to me. Oy.


Deadman said...

I just watched ten seconds of it. She needs to get a life

Alice said...

Weird. I was just about to type that I could only watch ten seconds of it.

Alice said...

Can anyone watch more than ten seconds.....

Holy Hyrax said...

Guys, I just found out thats a boy. His name is Chris Crocker. He was on yahoo news

... Is the Window to Our Soul said...

I just saw it on AOL and watch only a few seconds of it myself too, without the sound on. As I was watching it, all I could think was the guy was stoned out of his mind.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Have you been having some unkind thoughts about Britney lately, Jack?

Fess up, it will make you feel better ;-)

Jack Steiner said...


I suppose that he does.


In sync with other posters- cool.


I did, Oy.


The Shack is ahead of the curve again. ;)


Could be.


Admit to thinking unkind thoughts at this time of year? Never.

Jacob Da Jew said...

Dude, I saw this pathetic excuse a few days ago. But his hit count is unbelievable..

Jack Steiner said...


He is getting all sorts of press, isn't he.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .