I Really Should Sleep More

Reuters reports that lack of sleep can be deadly.

People who do not get enough sleep are more than twice as likely to die of heart disease, according to a large British study released on Monday.

Although the reasons are unclear, researchers said lack of sleep appeared to be linked to increased blood pressure, which is known to raise the risk of heart attacks and stroke.

A 17-year analysis of 10,000 government workers showed those who cut their sleeping from seven hours a night to five or less faced a 1.7-fold increased risk in mortality from all causes and more than double the risk of cardiovascular death.


MAK said...

They also had a study that showed if you sleep too much (more than 8 hours)you are more at risk for certain diseases.

Jack Steiner said...

Too much sleep is a problem I'd like to have.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .