15 Minutes of Fame- No Thank You

They say that everyone receives their own 15 minutes of fame. This is NOT how I'd want mine to go. Talk about grounding. Ouch.

AN Croatian motorbike rider was knocked unconscious when lightning struck his penis during a roadside toilet break.

Metro.co.uk reported Ante Djindjic, 29, escaped relatively unscathed from the incident, suffering only light burns to his chest and arms.

He said: "I don't remember what happened. One minute I was taking a leak and the next thing I knew I was in hospital.

"Doctors said the lightning went through my body and because I was wearing rubber boots it earthed itself through my penis."


Bill said...

I rank that among the facts I really did not need in my brain, but it was worth a laugh.

Thanks Jack

The Babka Nosher said...

Now that story has all the makings of a good Yiddish curse!

Jack Steiner said...


You can rely upon me for the news you don't need to know. ;)


Quite true.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .