What Is Your Favorite Type of Blog?

Hello dear reader,

It is time for a new question. What is your favorite type of blog? Do you like personal, sports, politics, religious or do you prefer Random Thoughts?

Let me know. I am curious to hear what you have to say about this.


Val said...

I like more personal blogs as a rule, which includes yours!

Alice said...

I read Torah blogs that have a happy, not horribly sanctimonious tone. I like funny stuff. I like blogs about modern furniture/modern crafty stuff, like Ikea hackers. News from Israel is a must. I also read a few personal blogs like this, by people who are amused by the same things I am, and who have a similar world view.

Deadman said...

I like all kinds of blogs. Keeps it fresh.

And blogs like this one where I get bathroom humour and Israeli and Jewish affairs all in the same day...

Jack Steiner said...




Makes sense to me.


We try hard. :)

orieyenta said...

I like those with lots of random thought ;-)

Jack Steiner said...


Still Good

 I need to revisit this .