Vocabulary Time Part II

It is Vocabulary Time Part II. The First edition can be found here.
de·fal·cate (dĭ-făl'kāt', -fôl'-, dĕf'əl-)
intr.v., -cat·ed, -cat·ing, -cates.

To misuse funds; embezzle.

n.[Gr. da`ktylos finger + no`mos law, distribution.]
The art of numbering or counting by the fingers.

re·cru·desce ('krū-dĕs')
intr.v., -desced, -desc·ing, -desc·es.

To break out anew or come into renewed activity, as after a period of quiescence.

vi·del·i·cet (vĭ-dĕl'ĭ-sĕt', vī-, wĭ-dā'lĭ-kĕt') pronunciation
adv. (Abbr. viz.)

That is; namely. Used to introduce examples, lists, or items.


Michael said...

My older daughter (she's 4 1/2) is an excellent dactylonomist.

benning said...

videlicet is the only word new to me! Never heard it before.

Jack Steiner said...


She sounds like a joy. Pretty soon she'll be running the house.


I'll work hard to find more that are new.

Michael said...

Jack, she already does.

Kol Ra'ash Gadol said...

To misuse funds; embezzle.

There's got to be some great pun on the horizon paired with "defecate"....

Jack Steiner said...

There's got to be some great pun on the horizon paired with "defecate"....

Have at it.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .