One More Reason Not To Take Reuters Seriously

r- A teenager has been arrested on suspicion of having posted a video of himself on YouTube driving at speeds of more than 140 mph, police said Thursday.

The car, a Ford Escort, was filmed on the A76 single-carriageway road in southwest Scotland.
A Ford Escort going 140 MPH? I don't think so.


fashionista cat in a zero gravity shoe-store said...

Downhill maybe?

Jack Steiner said...


Michael said...

You know, 140 kilometers per hour is only about 90 MPH; Scotland uses the metric system, so perhaps that was a typo.

I know (from having done it) that both a 91 Ford Escort and a 94 Mercury Tracer (essentially the same car) can hit 90 miles per hour.

Jack Steiner said...

A typo makes sense, but that is a huge error.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .