A Look Back At August 2006

Every now and then I like to take a moment look back and see where I have been. So here for your pleasure/pain are some posts from last August.

A Secret For My Children

A Eulogy for Myself

If You Died, Who Would Take Care Of Your Children

Frum & Gay

The Ginsu Knife

Grandpa Is Still Gone


Michael said...

I just tried that secret game with my daughter. She loved it.

She didn't think it was as much fun as Froggy Toes, though...

Anonymous said...

I remember some of those from the first time round. Thanks for re-posting!

WomanHonorThyself said...

nice idea Jack..I will return and read it when I have some more time!:)

Jack Steiner said...


Froggy Toes? Those aren't Kosher. ;)


Any time.



Still Good

 I need to revisit this .