Greatest Hits Albums Are Just For Cash

At last I have found an article that says essentially what I have been saying for years now. Most of the greatest hits albums are nothing more than a cheap attempt to make a buck. I don't think that it was always this way.

Let me clarify that. I think that there was always a desire to make money off of the greatest hits, but it used to be that a band was around for a while. They had to stand the test of time before they could put out an album of so called greatest hits. That is not really the case anymore.

I thought that the following excerpt from the article was worth sharing as it sums much of this up.

Some greatest-hits records take on a life of their own -- like the Eagles' "Their Greatest Hits (1971-1975)," which is the best-selling album ever in the U.S. Similarly, Bob Marley's "Legend" was (and still is) a sensation. At one point, it spent 106 straight weeks atop the Nielsen SoundScan catalog chart.

Other bands like U2 and Aerosmith have been criticized for their seemingly unceasing parade of greatest-hits albums. U2 followed 1998's "The Best of 1980-1990" and 2002's "The Best of 1990-2000" with 2006's "U218 Singles." Last year's "Devil's Got a New Disguise: The Very Best of Aerosmith" was the band's eighth compilation over the course of their 27-year career.


Deadman said...

I was gonna publish a KOTGD's Greatest Hits of Blogging but I see you're on to my little scam...

benning said...

And somtimes it's the only way to get the hits of a band without bankrupting yourself trying to buy all the albums they have made.

Jack Steiner said...


I work hard to stay a step ahead of you.


That is why I use iTunes.

Soccer Dad said...

I do have some problems with Greatest Hits albums. If I were to get ELO's greatest hits I'd want Telephone Line, Can't get it out of my head and one other, that I forget right now. Now matter how many different iterations, I cannot find all 3 on the same album.

On the other side, once I was a purist. Now I just really want the best songs. The Eagles 71-75 is one of the best albums I own. As is Chronicle I by CCR, Tom Petty's Greatest hits and the Cream of Clapton.

However I've seen the Rolling Stones Jump Back 1971-1993 and wonder why? I'd be much happier with Through the Past Darkly that ends with Wild Horses. And I can't figure out why anyone would pass on Chicago IX for the Greatest hits album that starts with Hot Streets (I think).

It really varies from artist to artist.

Jack Steiner said...

Now I just really want the best songs.

That is really why I enjoy iTunes.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .