If you live in a place in which you need baby armor you probably should be trying to get out of there.

Overview:I must admit that it is easier for me to see the utility of the bulletproof stroller below.
The BPB Riot shield is an ultra light fully interlinking riot shield that allows an individual or formation to survive extreme attack from rocks, petrol bombs and shotguns. The line of interlinked shields gives a safe barricade behind which all the members of the family can hide in safety. In opposed house entry situations the linked shields give total overhead protection.
These shields out-survive older types many times over as they are exceptionally durable. Even after repeated axe and stone attack, the shield survives. We regularly test with huge axes against these shields. No other competitive design survives.

Overview:A must for mobile baby protection, the Heavy weight bulllet proof stroller provides 100% protection against all modern ballistics including Armor Piercing rounds. It’s heavy enough to maintain stability even under a heavy barrage, and yet has light steering enabling the stroller to turn on a dime if required. For the smart urban baby.. this stroller is the ultimate in style, comfort and extreme combat protection.
Maybe I am being a bit unfair, but it just seems like these items are a little bit out there.
I wonder if that shield is marketed to toddlers who won't ever listen to ema and abba?
If you live where you need these items, perhaps raising a family isn't your #1 priority.
MOVE! ;)
Could be.
You said it.
Almost as good as the home lasik site... though I was pretty unimpressed with their cafepress merchandise.
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