Where Do you Keep Your Bread?

In a bread box, in the refrigerator, freezer? So, where do you keep it?


WomanHonorThyself said...

um..on my counter..I know ...messy messy..lol

FlutePrayer said...

Current loaf in the fridge, spare loaf in the freezer.

Deadman said...

In the bank. And my wallet...

marallyn ben moshe said...

on my table...so the ants can't get to it...don't ask...peskly little fellows

The Babka Nosher said...

On the counter... Growing up in Houston, we kept it in the Microwave. I'm sure there was logic behind it, but who knows what the logic was!

Anonymous said...

This is one of the great puzzles of life. If you put bread in the refrigerator, it loses it's fresh taste and texture. On the counter, it goes moldy (at least it does in our climate). The best place is the freezer, because you can take out a couple of slices at a time and they thaw out in just a few minutes.

We usually have a loaf on the counter (to be consumed quickly before mold sets in) and another in the freezer.

Jack Steiner said...


Depends how much other stuff is out there too.


Works for me.


Where do you keep your bank/wallet?


Sounds like fun.


Texas and Logic- Not sure if they go together.


You pegged it.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .