A Universal Fight Between Mothers & Daughters

I suspect that most of the women that read this blog have had this fight with their mothers and or had this fight with their own daughters:

Mom: If you don't hold still and let me brush the snarls out I'm going to cut it all off.
Daughter: Crying

Rinse and Repeat.


Anonymous said...


At the time I came into my step-daughter's life, she was refusing the let either her mother or her father brush her hair and wouldn't brush it herself. It was a thick mass of tangles and knots.

My big breakthrough was that she let me brush her hair, take her to a salon for a good cut, and thereafter started brushing it herself. (Even her mother thanked me for this.) I think it just took an "outsider" to help her get there.

She was 14 then. That's right, 14 and not brushing her hair. That may be the end result of those early fights.....

Another meshugannah mommy said...

Every. Single. Day.

Jack Steiner said...


That is nice.


Don't I know.

orieyenta said...

Did you just witness this at your house?

I lived through the fight with my mother and Little Orieyenta has heard the threat of cutting it all off. The worste ver was when she decided to wrap her hair around a comb like the comb was a curler. And her hair was down to her waist in the back at that time. UGH. (I could never cut it though.)

Shelli said...

I'll have to take video of the SCREAMING, OY THE SCREAMING when we do Malka's hair.

Jack Steiner said...

Did you just witness this at your house?

I have lived and still live it. Oy.


Sounds too familiar.

Kol Ra'ash Gadol said...

My SON. OH my gosh, just before we cut his hair.... I grit my teeth and untangled it with my fingers (at great protext) as often as I could get him to do it. This became an all day process:
Son- playing with trucks)
Ima: sneaks up and untangles one knot
SOn: Fusses and runs off to another room to play with something else
Ima: sneaks up and untangles another know
Son: Screaming
(repeat ad nauseum)

Jack Steiner said...


It is a battle alright.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .